Bringin’ it from London…
Hello, all! I’m in the lovely Mr. Andy’s flat, finally putting my feet up after a whirlwind day (and 2.5 hours of sleep). We saw Windsor Castle and its changing of the guard today. Andy drove us on the M4 and all over the city itself and then we regrouped at his for a bit before heading back out to street level. Gail gave us a fantastic lesson on the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral before we decided that £18 was too fucking much for a church tour. So we walked the Millenium Bridge to Tate Modern and saw some pretty incredible works. Gail also nearly burned down the Rothko room, but that was too be expected. Afterward, we shopped…okay I shopped…at Zara for an outfit and then we had an Italian dinner and a coffee for dessert. Now we’re back for a film, drink and hopefully some sleep before an early day and more travel tomorrow.
Until I reach Rome…
Don’t forget to buy sunglasses or a watch or whatever it was.
Wow, you’re following the same trail I did when I was there last summer! Except not the M4 part. My favorite in the Tate was something with vertical stripes that sort of moved around when you walked past it. I don’t remember exactly now, but it was cool.
Next time, try to go up north, it’s really nice up there too. Or south. Or west… gosh, just go and spend three months over there and visit everywhere!
Talk to you when you get back 😉
Oh yeah, I just remembered something else in the art gallary; did you see the time lapse video of fruit rotting? It was morbidly fascinating, my family all stood and watched it for about 15 minutes.