So much anger! Is it the lack of nicotine? I don’t know, but in day five of The Great Smokeout, I’m beyond frustrated with just about everything and everyone. I need some sort of personal analysis engine that also keeps a database. If I could quanitfy a baseline beligerence level for each of the recurring situations in my life (cut off on 220 by a Cavalier, slighted by a coworker, dropped my sunglasses on the sidewalk), I’d then be able to judge my new reactions to see if I am really more ENRAGED than usual. Because, in the haze that is detox, I really cannot tell if this is ‘normal’ or not. I JUST WANT TO CUT A BITCH, you know?
Aside from that, I’m doing rather well. Thanks for asking.
Last night, two new friends came over. I know. It was strange enough for friends to be coming INTO my life, let alone that they be new. These guys, named Kyle and Dave, were over to discuss the impending oil crisis and other such neo-green madness. We watched a great documentary, The End of Suburbia, which served to jumpstart our brains and really made for a good jumping-off point. After their departure, I basically did a big fat nothing and then crashed. Tonight: taking photos for a client in Belleville and then packing up in BelleFONTE for a trip home tomorrow. Maybe receiving my AirPort Express? Please?