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October 2006

V for Vendetta and other things…

I just finished the film mentioned in this post’s title, so do forgive me if I’m in a strange mood as I write. You see, it’s left me feeling more than a bit like blowing something into very tiny pieces. That and my last 36 hours or so. To recap:

  1. Arriving home from an otherwise lovely weekend (and that was a real weekend, not my normal Friday/Saturday variety), I received a note from my landlord. This note stated that the pervasive smell of pot has been bothering my neighbours and since it’s been ’emanating’ from my apartment, could I please cease? Being as I’ve not smoked pot in said home, I was rather perplexed and not just slightly offended. Especially since mention was made of calling in the police. Update: the pothead is actually the man at the end of my hall and this can be chalked up to a misunderstanding x12.
  2. At work today, all computers I interacted with decided that they were, in fact, not computing. This carried throughout the entire time I was present, even spilling curs-ed behaviour into the lives of my clients. Thank you, computer gods, high atop your steel and glass temples in Sunny Cupertino.
  3. I have an ever-increasing sense of being utterly trapped under the weight of my own usefulness. This is intentionally vague. Apologies.
  4. While cooking dinner (because, yes, I did eventually make it home) two born again nut jobs decided that they were going to interrupt my cooking to preach at me about how important their finding of Jesus was. Despite the fact that finding Jesus in Puritan-America is hardly a task requiring any major type of search party, they seemed convinced that this was something of utmost import. Therefore, I must be informed about it. Also, oddly, I was instructed to pray for them. Clearly, asking the self-defined agnostic for his prayers is the way to go.

And that, friends, is where we are now. Incidentally, I give V for Vendetta four whole stars! Go, movie, go.

4 stars

Review: The Prestige

I will tell you right now that anything involving the Thin White Duke is already an instant hit with me. Case in point: I actually think The Labyrinth was a great film and not just a bizarre relic of 1980s cokedoutness.

You remind me of the baby
What baby? The baby with the power
What power? Power of voodoo
Who do? You do
Do what? Remind me of the baby

I mean, come on! Look at him:

< /tangent>

All of that said, David Bowie plays Nikola Tesla for like fifteen minutes in The Prestige, which I saw last night. With the stakes raised by his cameo, did the rest of the movie deliver?

Yes. Er…I think so. It was beautifully costumed and really well acted, this I know for sure. Everytime I think about the film I really want to say I loved it but something holds me back. To me, it was really a story about villainous scoundrels and that should spell a success in my head, right? But it doesn’t. I’m left feeling like something didn’t quite make sense.

I don’t want to spoil the ending here or really any of the story. That being said, though, I had the plot twists figured out a good twenty minutes before the climax. Leaving the audience feeling deflated when they realize that things were exactly as they thought is not a good way to make fans. PERHAPS, THOUGH, this is the whole point?! I’m putting this idea together now as I type, so bear with me:

In the film, the characters are constantly coming back to this idea that the magician becomes nothing when the audience learns the mundanity of his methods; that we don’t actually want to know even when we are trying to figure it out. Perhaps Christopher Nolan (director) was trying to make us feel like his characters(‘ audiences)?

Regardless, don’t do that. Seriously, Mr. Nolan…if that’s what you actually did. Thank you.

Verdict: See it in the theatre. Rent it to watch with a friend that hasn’t. Don’t buy this DVD because you’ll watch it maybe three times. ¡Tres estrellas!

3 stars

Painting with Espresso!

So, I decided yesterday to paint. Since it is frigid outside, I also decided to make a nice cup of espresso for myself…which turned into two. As did my painting. 😛

I originally intended to only paint this one since I’ve been carrying its theme in my head for a few weeks:

After Creation

However, while working on it, I realized that there were a lot of abstract shapes and forms in my head that needed their own space to play, so I made this, too:

Dismantled Peacock

I’ll leave you to decide if my caffeine intake produced anything other than a full scale crash later.

Good weekend…

Though it might not be the most normal weekend in the world, my Thursday night through Saturday night visit home went really well. I spent the majority of the time with my family: Craft Day with the ladies on Friday (mostly to get coffee with my sister…the things I’ll do for you, espresso), lunch out with Flora on Saturday, Everything is Illuminated with the immediate genetic pool (and Kelly) in between. On Saturday, after washing her car and moving her storm windows, I said goodbye to Barbara and went to the Forest o’ Cook with Dusty and Hoovah. We climbed! to the top of the death-defying firetower and thrilled! on the edge of Seneca Point. Mostly, though, we walked. And walked. And walked to and from the Hoovermobile at the entrance. Good opportunity for unabated conversation it was.

And now I’m back, having finished another astounding Sunday at the office. I did, however, get paid by the fabulous Elaine Richardson for my videotaping job after work, which took the edge off of my Wegman’s trip. And I have food…that helps, too.