Monthly Archives

December 2007


So, have you had a Fuze beverage? I’m just checking, because every once in awhile, I bump into someone that has yet to discover the magic that is Fuze. Made from delicious fruit juices in delightful combinations like “Dragonfruit Kiwi” and “Mango Mellon,” these drinks promise to keep you alert, slenderized and energetic. I’m not sure if they deliver on all of these fronts, but I can tell you that a bottle typically packs a day worth of vegetable nutrients and serves pretty well as a lunch replacement if you juts can’t leave your desk. They also have the amazing ability to stay delicious even when warm, clearly showing they are intended for the poor cube drone. So spectacular are these treats that Kim and I used to split them as a work day pick me up several times a week – and this would often become the sincere highlight of our days.

Well, recently I introduced Lindsie to the glory and splendor of Fuze. She, of course, was smitten and professed her love for the liquid manna to me today. Being that it’s a very slow week for office workers everywhere, we crafted this fan letter and submitted it moments ago:

Dear Fuze People,

We love everything you stand for: you make our day complete and what’s more, you complete our lives. Your delicious beverages are there for us each morning, cold and refreshing. Even better, after a long day of office slavery, your magical liquid is still tasty as ever when again our lips meet back at the cubicle.

In short, Fuze may be the single best drinking product we’ve ever stumbled upon in our grocer’s refrigerated section. And for that, we owe you a undying debt of gratitude.


Nick & Lindsie

I received an automated “we’re reviewing your letter” reply. We shall see if anything more comes of this. Hopefully it will be better received than my letter to Bravo asking why Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style adverts have a bunny playing the drums looming behind everyone’s favorite stylist for no apparent reason. I’m sure that was filed straight away into the “complete nutter” bin… I needed to know, though!

Bravo, I’d still like to know. What gives with the bunny?

On frozen fingers and fresh-made dinners

Wednesday night brought a much-anticipated (and once canceled) event to the lives of Kate and I: Matthew and Robbi came over for dinner! Hoorah! The festivities really began on Tuesday night, with prep work including much chopping, mild tidying and such. Note, I said much chopping – this will be important in a moment. On Wednesday, I crept out of work a bit early and let myself in to Kate’s residence. Bella watched intently as I did some last minute organizing, prepared the butternut squash-apple soup and set out a fish/forest/babushka themed tablescape. I was being so very, very efficient and safe throughout all of this household activity that I was beginning to get suspicious of my continued mishap-less state by the time I moved on to slicing the mini buns for our chicken-apple burgers. Then it happened. On the last slice of the last bun, I took a good gash out of my thumb.

“Why does this always happen?” I thought, followed quickly with: “Where did I put Kate’s bandages?” and a hearty “Fuckingfuck!”

With the bleeding under control, I welcomed first Kate back to her own home and then, shortly after, Matthew and Robbi themselves. We had fantastic conversation, they enjoyed delicious treats (Italian sodas finally uncorked) and eventually we moved on to XBox 360. This is where things really got enjoyable. I made our guests tea and Kate informed them of how the death machine that is Halo 3 functioned. Matthew gave it a go, exploring the more watery parts of the initial level. Robbi gave herself vertigo exploring the landscapes. We switched to Elder Scrolls IV which proved to be a bit more entertaining. After showing how to feed on old ladies and generally be ineffective at navigating a simple house, I let the Swanson-Behrs have at designing their own characters. Old Bagolà and Pancho are monuments to this endeavor. 🙂

Today, today, today. *sigh* Five hours in the cold and the cat room produced Episode 8 of Think Pawsitive, the Kent County Humane Society‘s monthly-ish public access program. Nancy, Brian and I filmed and photographed until our fingers were ready to fall off. I was terrified to see what my inbox/voicemail light would look like on my arrival back to campus. Luckily, though, the gods of Friday were good to me and I was able to leave on time, with a poinsettia, no less (a prop for explaining holiday pet hazards.)

So, on to a snowy weekend, hopefully spent delightfully warm as the weather turns apocalyptic. Wish me luck!

I didn’t remember that I forgot

Sometimes my favorite thing is being reacquainted with words that I had, until just recently, been unaware that I once knew. Today’s word is “cryptid,” which coincides nicely with Dusty’s post below.

The Geeks of Our Lives

So, I stumbled upon this great collection of geek icons today. I consider them to be like collectibles of their own right (maybe I should have grabbed the “Collectible Geek” on my way through?) In any case, I snagged all of the geeks that combine to make me and have made this very useful infographic for your perusal.

Geeks of Our Lives Thumbnail

Which geeks are you? Take a look at this great poster and Flickr set by “ExtraLife” and marvel at just how many different kinds of geeky you really are.

The Quotable Jerri Blank

“If you are going to reach for a star, reach for the lowest one you can. I’m going to work at the fake flower plant plant!”

(Strangers With Candy – Season 2, Episode 1)