Week of weird dreams…

For this past week, I’ve been having very unusual dreams. Starting with last weekend, actually. I’ve decided to post a dream log and will continue to do so until these unusual night time visions come to a rest. Warning: at least one dream is not for the faint of heart. Seriously.

Last weekend: I am walking through a very old growth type of forest. There are grapevines on the trees and little undergrowth. I can see a town up in the distance, though which town it is, I’m not sure. My internal sense tells me it’s Middletown, DE but it looks an awful lot like here. In any case, I’m making my way towards this place when I see a road sign on one of the trees. This appears to be normal, despite the fact it’s a yellow diamond road sign printed with black letters proclaiming “Brick.” I carry onward, and again I see one of these unusual signs. “Brick.” Okay, that’s strange, but I keep walking. Eventually, I pass another two signs and reach the edge of the woods. As I step onto the cobblestone pavers, I see one last sign affixed to the side of a house. I read “Brick” aloud and step out into the town. Suddenly, and with little fanfare, a brick makes a straight shot from the sky and crashes into the pavement of the street next to my sidewalk. “Brick, indeed,” I say and thus ends this dream.

Thursday night: I’m home with my family and my mom has tasked me with a rather odd job: kill the family pets. I successfully bludgeon Zoe (though something tells me that I have to use a tranquilizer on her as well) and set to work on my cat and Bailey. For some reason, Bailey doesn’t succumb to the job at hand and for the rest of the dream, she growls at me and bites me any time I go near her (rightly so.) I can recall telling my mother that this is what she wanted me to do and I was only following her wishes. Still, it’s odd.

Last night: I’m living in a building that I can only describe as the apartment complex where Dora tries to sell Josué to the child traffickers in Central Station. This fact really doesn’t matter, it’s just where I was living. As I’m making my way down to my apartment from an upper roof deck, I slip and fall down the concrete stairwell. No one comes to my aid and I’m forced to drag myself with at least one broken leg to my home. This dream was made especially unnerving when the landlord at a property I went to see today warned me that, in all likelihood, I would fall down the stairs there at least once if I moved in.

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