New Apartment

As many of you may already know, I’ve been undertaking a relentless search for new lodging over the last few weeks. I think, though, I’ve finally arrived at an ideal location. Right next door to my current building, oddly enough. The following is a pictographic tour of really grainy iPhone photos. Click through to Flickr for descriptive captions:

Of particular note and not captioned/capture in photos is the fact that a) I was there on this past Saturday to clean. Unlike this current apartment, initial cleaning took only two hours, not fourteen. b) The floors do not splinter off into tiny pieces when you mop/look at them. c) There is what appears to be CENTRAL AIR. This is an amazing godsend in Chestertown. d) There’s an icemaker in my refrigerator!

Comments (4)

  1. Lindsie

    An icemaker, you say? It’s gorgeous, Nick! I especially dig the white kitchen cabinents as well as what appears to be ample closet space! Can’t wait to see it!

  2. Sonya

    when are you moving in?!
    looks great! i’m jealous…

    can graham and i come and visit again soon?

  3. Nick (Bourgeois)


    Oh, absolutely! In fact, you must come visit. Really, everyone that reads this blog should come down at some point now that the Spring is nearly sprung.
