Daily Archives

20 February 2008

The car search has begun (or: the car search continues unabated)

Readers, you know me and cars. You know I am nearly always in search of my next one. Save for the first month or so that my current car is in my possession, I am on a never ending quest to get more airbags, more speakers, and more air conditioned storage compartments (fun fact: the Jetta has two!)

Well, since March marks the 1 year to go mark with my current lease, we are hitting a fever pitch! I’ve been steadily reviewing the offerings of both Japan and Germany, trying my damnedest to narrow down the options. So far, I’ve been doing a very good job, but for some reason, I seem to have hit a wall.

Therefore, my loyal friends, I turn to you for your thoughts and opinions. I will present you with the options and you can comment. It’s a very easy game, you see. Perhaps I’ll make this a monthly thing (as you see, dear readers, the automakers are even more dedicated to confusing me as I am to unraveling their product lines and are always expanding.)

To make it easier, I am breaking down by country of (supposed) origin:

  • Japan
  • Germany

You see my predicament. So many sexy choices but only one can come home to live with me. 🙁