Daily Archives

29 February 2008

Just because I have a soft spot for pugs

Actually, no I don’t. But that was the subject line of a comment waiting in moderation when I logged in to write a post and I was quite smitten with the statement.

Readers: moving sucks. It has been killing every single evening and weekend moment for the last two weeks and I’m entirely over it. Luckily, if I can find some helping hands to get my dresser up to the second floor tonight, I should be done by 9:00 pm. I think. If I don’t electrocute myself while getting my dining room light fixture out of the ceiling. Or fall down the stairs carrying a box of dinnerware.

So many opportunities for death, dismemberment and maiming. Ah, moving…

Actually, though, for my twisted back and bruised groin, I have a pretty kickin’ apartment to show. I’ll post photos soon, don’t you worry, but I can say that I’m totally chuffed with how it’s shaped up over the last few days. 🙂