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March 2008

Today’s Lyrics

I woke up in a pretty good mood today and, rather out of the blue, began mulling these lyrics over and over in my mind. I share them with you now, no?

You are my autoharp
I push every button on your body
I push the a minor, the e flat, the f major
And especially the c sharp 7

You are my autoharp
I play every string in your mind
And even when I play them very loud
They keep in tune
But how will they sound soon

You are my autoharp
I bought you in a pawnshop in Virginia
You were cheap but in good condition
Longing for someone to take you on an exotic trip

You are my autoharp
I carried you all over the world
In my hard case called the heart
You’re the reason for my blood to keep running
Through my veins every album again

“Autoharp” by Hooverphonic

Car List: Revised

After a trip to Annapolis this evening to pick up Kate’s car from having its hood closure repaired (stupid latches!) I have whittled down my car list a bit more. Basically, I saw a 1 Series and realized that this little BMW is too, well, little. There is just NO ROOM behind the driver’s seat, and since I’m the kind of driver that needs lots of leg room, this will always be the case. I mean, the bottom cushion is literally touching the back of the front seat. I think this is called a “luggage shelf” and for practical purposes, it’s a three passenger car. Not gonna work. 🙁 Cute as all hell in person, though.

The updated list:


  • 2009 Acura TSX – $29,570 (Jalopnik calls it boring…may have to drive.)
  • 2008 Honda Accord EX-L Sedan – $29,517 (Too common.)
  • 2008 Nissan Altima 2.5 SE Coupe – $31,395


  • 2009 BMW 128i Coupe – $32,385 (Saw it today…too small!)
  • 2009 Audi A3 2.0T – $31,860
  • 2009 Audi A4 2.0T – $32,175 (I hope we get the new body style by next year.)
  • 2009 Volkswagen Passat Komfort – $29,647 (Still in the running.)

A very good weekend, indeed.

I just saw Dusty off, on his way home from a totally excellent visit to Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Well, that’s how I’d describe it, anyway…I hope he’d tend to agree. This weekend was the Lit House’s “Literature at the Margins Festival” featuring two webcomics, Jeph Jacques and Aaron Diaz, as well as the H.P. Lovecraft scholar, S.T. Joshi and a local science fiction author, Peter Heck. It was two days of readings, panel discussions and general geekery. Very fun, overall, though poor Kate had to work herself silly to help the students pull everything off. But, we all did get to hang out with the honored guests on Friday evening and she made it over to spend time with us last night after the events. Dusty picked a rather excellent three days to spend here, as far as there actually being things to do in town goes.

When not listening to smart people talk about their incredibly clever lives and works, we spent our time eating huge amounts of Mexican food, drinking lots of the Easter-appropriate Awesomer Than Jesus cocktails and listening to excellent music. Dusty discovered he loves “Xavier: Renegade Angel” and I rediscovered how fantastic Hard ‘n Phirm really is. We played a bit of Mass Effect (read, I played) this morning while Dusty alternated between napping and reading his first few pages of “Transmetropolitan.” Then it was time for Easter dinner with Tara (aka: Shannon) and Kate. I experimented with making a vegetarian moussaka…and was told it actually turned out quite well. This impresses me because it was a complete leap of culinary faith.

And then, just like that, the weekend was over. Dusty departed, Kate went to get some groceries (maybe…if the store is open) and Tara went back to her own tiger cat. So here I sit, in the dark because I’m too lazy to reach two feet to turn on the office light, listening to MGMT and drinking my second cup of coffee. But, it was a great last couple of days and makes me look forward to the next time I have a visitor! Dusty, you may bring yourself back anytime you so desire. Hoover, you are next!

That was a whirlwind

Today’s activities began at 5:30 am – when I arose to begin preparing for a drive to Gettysburg. Departing at 6:30 (on time, mind you) I mounted my assault on the Pennsylvania border. Google promised at 3 hour and 15 minute drive, so I was quite surprised and happy to find myself a minor 30 miles away when 8:30 rolled around. And then I realized that I had misread my directions and was in Hagerstown, on the wrong road. An extra 30 miles later and I was at Hannah’s mom’s. Still under time, but bummed that I had wasted such a great lead!

The reason for my journey: Hannah’s bridal shower. It is printed in the wedding program that I am a “Bride’s Man,” so therefore I am obviously important. Or the groom. I really have no idea what such an unusual title is supposed to mean. Anyway, it was my first bridal shower attended as an adult and I must say that it was highly enjoyable. Mostly it consisted of Hannah’s relatives being both adorably sweet and amazingly dirty. And mimosas, and sammiches, and presents. Lots of presents.

But, it was great fun to see Hannah and Jill and Melissa and, of course, Marie. And to finally meet more of Hannah’s relatives and see Jay’s parents (and their tiny little Jack Russel Terrier) and everyone else that was there. But! Six hours in a car in one day is a bit much and now I’m a bit dazed. Just a bit, but dazed nonetheless. So, off to Kate’s for a tasty cheese dinner, methinks.

I leave you with a link to a few photos from today. I forgot a real camera, but the iPhone pictures tell a pretty decent tale: Flickr

Burger Feast 2008

Kate had a dream. A dream of delicious homemade cheeseburgers topped with fresh lettuce, onion and giant tomato slices. Chased down by smooth, frothy milkshakes made in her very own kitchen. A belly full of American diner goodness for each and every Kate.

I helped her realize this dream.

In fact, I added in crispy bacon and frosty cold beer. And it was so good.



Burger Feast 2008

I’ve never felt so pregnant with red meat as I did last night, wrapped in the leathery embrace of Kate’s sofa as we gleefully digested her dream (and slipped closer and closer to food comas.)

God bless America – where some dreams really do come true.


Who knew that dancing could actually be fun? Not I.

Last night was MEN with Hey Willpower at the Black Cat in DC and it was essentially a total dance party of the highest magnitude. MEN, for those that may not know, is 2/3 of Le Tigre and it’s basically JD and Jo playing whatever they want from their computers and dancing about in cape-lets. Backing up a bit, though…

We got to DC around 9:00 and Shannon led Kate and I to “Jumbo Slice,” a by the slice pizza place that does not falsely advertise (and get right to the point with naming.) We then rolled over to the venue, figuring we’d be late since doors opened at 9:00. However, we got upstairs to find we were the only people there save for a few merch sellers, the bartender and the coat check dude. “Well, they must be starting soon…” thought we as we swilled vodka tonics and Jack and Cokes.

Hey Willpower took the stage at 11:00.

Oddly, though, with some prompting from Kate and a quick lesson I was dancing sober. And by the time MEN took the stage, I was dancing sober up front. Though Kate had more fun by far. Her worried look of “oh, shit…how am I going to pull this event off” disappeared and was replaced by a giant smile. She even took the stage with Shannon to dance with JD and Jo themselves.

It was pretty much awesome. Kind of like hanging out with the band and 100 of their close friends. JD’s girlfriend, the wonderful Sia (who was playing DC last night, too), came with drinks and Hey Willpower was just sorta playing around in the control booth and talking to random people throughout the night. Kate even got to talk to JD as she bought one of their shirts – “MEN ARE DJS,” written in tiny women’s symbols.

So yeah. Fun times…totally would do again. And definitely getting behind the idea of DJ shows after being indoctrinated with Jus†ice at the Trocadero. (Thanks, Dusty!)

All moved in…

Through a Herculean effort on my own part last night, I was able to finish up getting the last of my belongings (including Clyde) inside safe and sound. Talk about EXHAUSTING. Kate helped me with the dresser, which would not be in here otherwise, and provided a delicious excursion to Sushi Yama in Middletown as a break. But, otherwise, it was all work and no fun for me.

But oh so worth it. After the jump, behold my new place (some photos you’ve seen, but I am putting this all in one set.) Click through to Flickr for commentary.

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