That was a whirlwind

Today’s activities began at 5:30 am – when I arose to begin preparing for a drive to Gettysburg. Departing at 6:30 (on time, mind you) I mounted my assault on the Pennsylvania border. Google promised at 3 hour and 15 minute drive, so I was quite surprised and happy to find myself a minor 30 miles away when 8:30 rolled around. And then I realized that I had misread my directions and was in Hagerstown, on the wrong road. An extra 30 miles later and I was at Hannah’s mom’s. Still under time, but bummed that I had wasted such a great lead!

The reason for my journey: Hannah’s bridal shower. It is printed in the wedding program that I am a “Bride’s Man,” so therefore I am obviously important. Or the groom. I really have no idea what such an unusual title is supposed to mean. Anyway, it was my first bridal shower attended as an adult and I must say that it was highly enjoyable. Mostly it consisted of Hannah’s relatives being both adorably sweet and amazingly dirty. And mimosas, and sammiches, and presents. Lots of presents.

But, it was great fun to see Hannah and Jill and Melissa and, of course, Marie. And to finally meet more of Hannah’s relatives and see Jay’s parents (and their tiny little Jack Russel Terrier) and everyone else that was there. But! Six hours in a car in one day is a bit much and now I’m a bit dazed. Just a bit, but dazed nonetheless. So, off to Kate’s for a tasty cheese dinner, methinks.

I leave you with a link to a few photos from today. I forgot a real camera, but the iPhone pictures tell a pretty decent tale: Flickr

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