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April 2008

¡Ahora con espacio para mas humanos!

I’m entirely in love with this advert for the new Ford Ka that’s running in Spain and various other countries that a) have clever advertising and b) have Ford cars that don’t suck. I’ve now watched it about fourteen times. I really think I should probably hang it up with the whole “being human,” what with my love for Cylons and now furry, man-eating monsters.


A Very Fine Saturday

Saturday was a gorgeous day. Like 75º, sunny, a slight breeze to tousle your hair. Kate and I took a walk around Chestertown and then realized we were in need of delicious ice cream. Since the best is at Durding’s Store in Rock Hall, we drove out at once. And since we were there, we went to Eastern Neck Island to enjoy the lovely weather. And since Kate was feeling like driving (and who doesn’t like a drive with the panoramic roof open in Kate’s car?) we went to Betterton. And I fell hard for the hills, beach, cliffs and trees.

And you get a photoset:

Shh…I’m hunting Fridays

Friends, it’s nearly Friday. Don’t say that too loudly…I don’t want to scare this most elusive of weekdays off. It’s been a hard-fought battle to get to this Friday Eve and I think we’ve all earned the promise of weekend delights that tomorrow will carry with it.

Do you have any good stories from the week that nearly “was?” I, for one, spent nearly 4 hours today trying to get a simple Flash module to embed. And it’s still sitting there, mocking me with a blank white square on a nearly finished webpage. What about you?

Oh, the perfect clip

Not only does Jon Stewart pretty much accurately sum up the whole of Western PA, he also finally explains my stance on elitism in very easy to follow (and hilarious) words and pictures.

If Obama really said what he said and is, truly, an elitist my vote has been secured.

Lyrics of the Day…

These stuck in my mind last night as I was reading in bed:

I stole the keys to the skies,
we’ll leave this place for the final time,
no crying words, no goodbyes,
yes tonight we’re burning all the tough times.

“This Boy’s In Love” by The Presets

Car Update: waiting for my lease end edition

Alright, friends. I went to Dover VW/Audi/Subaru (?) today to have Klaus’s oil changed. While I was there, I think you can guess what I did. I test drove the object of several years of lusting, the Audi A3 2.0T. I was not in the least disappointed. In fact, I’ve fully committed myself to making this my next car:

Barring any major changes of heart between now and the end of November (when I have to place my custom order,) I’ll be in a 2009 Ibis White A3 by this time next year. 🙂 What thinks you, readers?

Just Back In

I traveled last night to King of Prussia, which is almost in Philadelphia, to visit with my mom who was there attending a beading conference. She said her workshop went well and showed me the nifty wire bracelet that she learned how to make, as well as her haul from the vendors on the show floor. After dumping my things in her room, we made our way downstairs for a marginally underwhelming dinner at one of the hotels restaurants. The only good thing about “Chumley’s” was the really overwrought 80s music blaring over the gathered middle aged Maaco conference attendees. Tears for Fears and Berlin…too good.

I woke up this morning feeling highly disappointed with the Sleep Number full bed in our room (and Mom concurred that hers sucked, too) and with two very large, very sore scratches on my neck. Vampire attack gone wrong? Alien abduction? They are perfectly parallel and completely inexplicable. I don’t remember having done anything to myself that would have caused such an injury so I’m flummoxed.

Anyway…after much pondering, we went downstairs for breakfast. This restaurant in the hotel provided a much better meal – namely lox and cream cheese. There were even capers! The strange elderly French/Spanish greeter-lady at the door called me a “beautiful boy,” blushed and muttered something in French/Spanish so perhaps I was just riding high from that unusual encounter?

Full (and complimented) we departed for the King of Prussia Shopping Experience™. It was just as dauntingly huge as the last time I was there, but we did end up finding everything after NUMEROUS trips to the directories. Luckily, we were not the only hopeless navigators, because there were actually mall staff stationed by these kiosks offering shortcuts and advice for getting around. I even found a Bubbles and stopped in for a spontaneous haircut. Can you say shaved lines on the side of my head? I can…and did.

And now I’m back after only an hour and forty minutes in the car. I used my own intuition to find my way out and beat Google’s estimate by almost 45 minutes. Take that, internets.

One Year On…

I’ve been in Chestertown for over a year now. And, I’ve been working for the school for exactly one year today. To commemorate this (and mostly because she wanted to take photos,) Tara and I took a walk to capture the blooming things. I recalled as we were finishing up that about a year ago I did the exact same thing, captivated as I was by the blooming EVERYTHING of this little town.

For your perusal: