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June 2008

Review: WALL-E

Disney and Pixar have an unbelievable hit on their hands with WALL-E. This fact is absolutely certain and was relatively easy to see even before the film had been released. However, after seeing it on opening day this past Friday, I can resolutely declare that it was one of the best films I’ve EVER had the pleasure of watching.

It wasn’t really particularly profound. I don’t think it really did anything groundbreaking as far as technical details were concerned. No major filmic accomplishments. WALL-E just told a simple story gloriously well – something that seems so rare these days. Case in point: its box office weekend competitor was Wanted which receives notoriety for looking amazing…and not a lot else. WALL-E set out with a basic directive to tell a lushly rendered story of robotic love in a consumer waste dystopia and do so humorously and intelligently.

And it excelled on all accounts. From impeccably executed geek jokes to rather dead-on science to a heart melting love story, the film was entirely ace.

If you haven’t yet been to see WALL-E in the theatre, go now. Don’t wait. And go again. And maybe again. Buy it on DVD. You’ll want to, I promise.

4 stars

Collaboration…cha, cha, cha

Kate, Dusty and I have started a brand new blog on the topic of the technological singularity. It’s just getting off the ground now, but I hope it can very quickly become a real time capsule of this dawning of a new era. Or whatever it turns out to be.

The Singularity Is Now

The singularity is coming: do you know where your children are?


For the first time in my life, I’ve become one of the “regulars” in a restaurant. Kate took me out for sushi last night – a “you fly, I buy” idea – and once we were seated, our familiar waitress said “You are not wearing your glasses tonight. I recognized her, but I wasn’t sure who you were!”

After the drink orders were placed, Kate and I looked at each other, chuckled and realized that we had been to Sushi Yama enough times to have made an impression. It actually felt great! Now, if we could only secure a table as our own…