Deer Carnage

Hoovah told me this amazing story last night and even provided iPhone photo illustration/proof. To paraphrase:

“I was on my way over to my coworker’s apartment last night to help her set up her wireless network. I called her and she sounded as though she had been crying. When I arrived, I asked what was wrong and discovered that she had been sitting on her couch, trying to set up her network on her own. Apparently, completely out of nowhere, a deer broke through her living room window and proceeded to smash furniture, smear blood on the walls and break through the front door.”

Pictographic evidence:



Hoover has the best stories.

Comments (2)

  1. Hoover

    Just things to add:
    A) She was sitting on the couch shown above when the buck leapt onto her coffee table
    B) She jumps out of her seat at work when Windows alerts her to a new e-mail
    C) Her apartment is smaller than mine
    D) She knocked the front door off of its hinges when exiting her apartment in horror movie style
    E) I didn’t fix her internet