Daily Archives

30 March 2009

Song snippet

…It started when I thought that to be strong you must be flame retardant…

“Ampersand” by Amanda Palmer


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That being said, a commentary on my work right now: I’m exhausted.

Well, that’s not all, really. Work has been really busy of late because we’ve got a plethora of large-scale projects running through the department at the same time. We’ve also got no extra people or money to pull them off and we have to keep up the same amount of stuff we were doing before the major projects arrived with no loss of quality or speed. So, you figure that out.

On the upside, the summer should see some very interesting new technologies like Zimbra and Blackboard 9. I’m curious to see how the students take to those powerful tools. Oh, and new MacBook Pros for Beck and my office. Thank god – this one is getting rather long in the tooth as a production workstation.