Daily Archives

25 May 2009

What the ghost?

My family and I put together a new version of the front flower bed. Dug out all of the river rocks, used the backhoe to remove overgrown holly bushes and other shrubberies and then planted a new tree, some ornamental grass and a rose bush. Oh, and dragged down a 1 ton boulder and then a half ton boulder for good measure. You know, the usual for my family.

After taking a few photos of the work done and Bailey perching on the larger of the megalithic decorations, we dumped things onto my mom’s MacBook and viewed the outcome of so much toil. However, we were not prepared for what we saw in the last of the images. Do you see what I’m talking about above?

How about now?

My mom has always been convinced that her father comes to visit from beyond the veil any time she takes on a new project, much as he would when he was alive. I’m inclined to believe her today.