
Listen: The Bachelor by Patrick Wolf

As promised, here’s my review of Patrick Wolf’s newest release. I noticed that there was such a thing while Kate was leafing through Vogue UK or somesuch and saw his picture. In a flurry of excitement, I listened as Kate read Mr. Wolf’s description of his latest album as music for both soccer moms and Goth kids. Perfect – time to run to the computer at 1:30 am.

And I did. Which I’m glad for, because it’s wonderful.

It’s certainly no The Magic Position. A few tracks get close – “Hard Times,” “Vulture” and “Messenger” in particular – but overall, it’s a real departure into something more sonically lush. And it broods as much as Pat’s asymmetrical hair would lead you to believe it might. Think Lycanthropy or Wind in the Wires with the polish they deserved (not that they were bad albums.) At times, I had to be sure my iPhone hadn’t gone on to shuffle: “Oblivion” could be AFI, “The Bachelor” could be a clever classic rock remix, “Battle” wouldn’t be out of place at a skate park. Great to see some exploration of new directions, though it does make this album feel a bit like a playlist. “Count of Casualty,” my personal favorite, would sell you even if everything else was terrible.

Did I mention SWINTON is on the album, too? See? Amazing.

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