Daily Archives

6 September 2009

Banksy mural more than half painted over

Wow, if this doesn’t smack of a Douglas Adams-level of beauracracy in action, I don’t know what does.  As reported by the BBC:

Blur Banksy is ruined by mistake

What a terrible waste of a fantastic piece of art.  Truly shameful.  Reminds me of this passage from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

“But Mr Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months.”

“Oh yes, well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them, had you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything.”

“But the plans were on display …”

“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”

“That’s the display department.”

“With a flashlight.”

“Ah, well the lights had probably gone.”

“So had the stairs.”

“But look, you found the notice didn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’.”

Random Object Generator

Installment #5:


What is it? tiny glass cat

What’s its deal? gift from my cousin to me on my way into college

Where does it live? above the kitchen sink, below the leaves of whatever plants I’m rooting at the moment

Any notable facts? this cousin and I no longer speak