Daily Archives

21 June 2011

Wear this

Parts are cheaper, knowledge and sharing are happening more than ever, and it’s easy to find people who have the skills you may need to work with. Even 3D printing is becoming more common. When you combine all this, I think we might just be entering a wearable electronics era.

Phillip Torrone provides an exhaustive (if exhausting) rundown of his experiments and the experiments of other within the realm of wearable technology. Notable mentions include the iCufflinks and Project Runway‘s Diana Eng.


MC 101 Wrap Up: Shenango


My second MC 101 session was at Shenango today and was another successful event, if anecdotal attendee response is used as any indication.  All 8 registered participants made the trek out on a day threatening rain and joined me in Sharon Hall 314 (a room I hope to use again in the future for its airy set up and great windows overlooking town). 

Lunch provided an opportunity to talk with the two faculty attendees who I have worked with in the past, Dr. Joy Perrine and Dr. Lisa Reeves Bertin. Joy is very interested in working on gamification concepts in her Fall courses and will be getting in touch with the EGC to discuss this further while Lisa is strongly considering an iPod touch pilot for her Fall MIS 204 class.  Both Joy and Lisa are hoping to also book an MC open house event in conjunction with the student-run computer club on campus – around which training for their courses and a new faculty orientation to the Media Commons could occur.

Because most of those who registered were past MC clients, the focus of the afternoon session became a tour for the single newcomer.  This tour proved to be very productive conversation opportunity as ideas were swapped for ways the Media Commons could be better integrated into the Library which is currently under renovation. I hope to have assessment results posted here in a few days!

Update: Evaluation

Like Harrisburg, I asked the attendees to rate their entire experience with MC 101 from beginning to end.  


Overall, respondents (5 of 8) thought the Overview aspect of the event – the core of our material – was well done (4 Good, 1 Excellent).


Of the attendees who evaluated the event, all said they Agree that the event was Relevant to them professionally and all thought the event was Interesting from their viewpoint as educators (1 Strongly Agree, 4 Agree).


Event Organization and Communications received highest praise (3 Excellent, 2 Good each) and Pacing  (3 Good, 2 Excellent) and Venue (3 Good, 1 Excellent, 1 Okay) were also rated positively.  Refreshments were least well-received anecdotally and ranked with 1 Okay, 2 Good and 2 Excellent.  Compared to the meal options provided by C&J Catering at the Harrisburg event, I would have to agree that I would make different choices with catering were I to plan it again.  Something to file away for next time.

Most importantly, 4 of 5 respondents would attend an event like MC 101 again or recommend it to colleagues – and the one who would not only wanted there to be more hands on opportunity at a future event, having already covered this overview.  This response coupled with anecdotal feedback makes me confident future MC/EGC programming at Shenango is highly desired.