Daily Archives

10 August 2011

Site love


The site:  Full-Stop

Why I went: article on creating fashion mood boards based on book covers – something that reeks of Kate

Why I stayed: the first look (above) was inspired by The Virgin Suicides <- te amo

Why I’ll return:

“Full Stop aims to focus on young writers, works in translation, and books we feel are being neglected by other outlets while engaging with the significant changes occurring in the publishing industry and the evolution of print media.”

To The Moon

Can a 16-bit game be cinematic and haunting?  To The Moon is sure trying.  This new title from indie developer Free Bird Games combines the sweeping (melo)drama of Asian storytelling with the graphics of A Link to the Past era Zelda and the mind exploration of Michel Gondry.  And I like the recipe a lot.  So if you’ve ever wanted to play the first five minutes of Up! – you know, the tear-jerking part – then this is the game for you!