Sochi 2014 crystal explosion video

Was anyone else so hooked on the Vancouver 2010 Olympics that they actually watched the closing ceremonies “starring” Avril Lavigne? We were.

(Are you also getting a surprise Olympic Quatchi mascot in the mail soon? Maybe that’s just me.)

Well, if you found yourself tuned into NBC’s coverage last night, you may have noticed the incredible spangly awesomeness that was the “Welcome to Sochi” animation. This thing was a bitch to find on the interweb today, but since I was off sick, I had plenty of time to dig around without mercy.


And, if you are absolutely smitten with it and would like to see it in much higher resolution, go here and jump to the 4:56 mark (apologies for SilverLight.)  To quote one blogger:

Just to make Canada’s sloppiness look bad, we got treated to Glorious Mother Russia coming out to annihilate all of our brains with a precise, choreographed, sensory-overloading preview of Sochi 2014.

Yes.  Yes, we did.  And I want to be treated again and again.  Bring on Sochi!

(Thank you to Mahalo & NBC Olympics)

If you’re curious, the winning search string was “ice cosmonaut ballerina snowboard.” Always a good sign.

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