Is it wrong that I really, honestly think she looks fantastic? What exactly happens in our society when there is a need for someone older than both of my grandmothers to look this hot?
Somewhere there is a lucky plastic surgeon who was able to retire early with lots & lots of money. Also could there have been a little airbrushing involved???
is it wrong that i think she looks like plastic?
I don’t know whether to be grossed out or turned on.
In my Consumer Behavior class today, we discussed grandmas who use the term ‘bling’. I kept thinking, “Nick’s grandma would totally say that.”
You are so right. Either Barbara would indeed say that (and many more ridiculous things.)
Somewhere there is a lucky plastic surgeon who was able to retire early with lots & lots of money. Also could there have been a little airbrushing involved???
I’m sure there was airbrushing and an entire truck worth of plastic body parts…but still…she’s 75! It boggles the mind completely.
I wish I had as much money as her face has (or had).