A tour of my boredom…

Last night, I took home the FMC’s new videocamera…this tiny little Sony MiniDV HC36 which is adorable. Because there is nothing exciting going on in Bellefonte (ever), I decided to just record what an evening in the life of Nick is like. However, I suprised myself with just how fun this video ended up being. I call him “Permanent Press” and you can view him here (QuickTime 7 – 10.8 MB).

Also, today ended up being relatively decent…mainly because I was suprised by a $150 deposit by the university in my checking account. Apparently I was paid over six weeks early for a medical study in which I paricipated. If you know PSU at all, you will understand how rare it is to have anything involving money happen sooner than you’ve been quoted.

Hair cut tonight!
