A tour of my boredom…
Last night, I took home the FMC’s new videocamera…this tiny little Sony MiniDV HC36 which is adorable. Because there is nothing exciting going on in Bellefonte (ever), I decided to just record what an evening in the life of Nick is like. However, I suprised myself with just how fun this video ended up being. I call him “Permanent Press” and you can view him here (QuickTime 7 – 10.8 MB).
Also, today ended up being relatively decent…mainly because I was suprised by a $150 deposit by the university in my checking account. Apparently I was paid over six weeks early for a medical study in which I paricipated. If you know PSU at all, you will understand how rare it is to have anything involving money happen sooner than you’ve been quoted.
Hair cut tonight!
What kind of medical study?