Daily Detritus…

Firstly, who knew that putting barcodes on electronic equipment all day long could be a physically exhausting activity? I mean, really…they are stickers. And yet, my back hurts like a witty metaphor as I sit here. Also, my fingers feel like I’ve been pulling Legos apart for countless hours, which is never a good feeling. So here I sit, bloggin’ away because it’s the obvious way to fixing an aching back and soothe the weary fingers…

Anyway, I wanted to talk now about awkward social situations. (Hoover, I fully expect you to chime in here.) Let’s make a list of these things now:

  • Passing people walking the same way as you on the sidewalk. How does one even do this without looking like a tool?
  • Asking someone to move from the computer you need to use. Then, the warm chair when you get there.
  • When you reply “You, too.” as someone tells you to “Enjoy your meal.” or “Have a safe trip.”

There are probably more, but that’s all I’ve got for now. This is also a ploy to get comments.

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