New Painting…Not Sold On This One

I just completed a painting I’ve been working on for the last two weeks. And when I say working on, I mean I started it two weeks ago, got fed up with it and let it sit idly in my office for the last few days while I tried to figure out what to do with it.

See the lime looking thing in the corner? I had a dream about that several months ago (a time with no water colors.) I wrote down a description of it and thought “well, now I’m set to paint.” However, I did not realize that I had nothing to go off of other than that small description so filling the rest of the paper was a bit of a challenge.

I eventually decided that I’d put some words on the rest of the space and settled on a quote from Matisse about color. The text reads: “Seek the strongest color effect possible…the content is of no importance.” I’d say this pretty well sums up my life as a designer.

I dunno, though. What do you think?
