Comments (4)

  1. Dusty (Bottoms)

    I love the posts that WordPress thinks are related. Very appropriate.

    For posterity::

    * mutual smeared_mascara makeouts
    * Well, I’ve switched…
    * Bored
    * 39 Months of Pure Joy…
    * Totally just got back from an eye exam…

  2. Lindsie

    Dear friends with good taste in music,

    Do either of you have any CDs by Esthero?? I don’t even know if she has more than one but I heard a song of hers today and wanted to check with you boys before I download the album.

    Speaking of music, guess what’s coming up soon??? That’s right, your fantastic trip to Philly for Panic! Be on the lookout for an e-mail from me soon about that day’s events!

  3. Nick (Bourgeois)

    Esthero…yes. My favorite track was “That Girl” from 1998’s Breath from Another. Her later works sound more like Imogen Heap, which is really not at all a bad thing. Oh, and she was female voice for Black Eyed Peas before Fugly Fug got her pee stained mitts on them. Do download or I can YouSendIt over, if you want.