Hospital Chic!

I spent three hours of my day in the lovely Chester River Hospital Center. (Yes, that name sounds absurd to me, too.) I was there for a CT scan because I’ve recently been plagued by recurring, nauseating migraine headaches. We got to CT scan levels today because yesterday’s migraine included a loss of visual acuity in my right eye. I’ve made a helpful diagram to describe this anomaly:


On top of the awesome vision issues, my right arm went numb today while I was at my desk, prompting me to freak the fuck out and – at Alex’s commendable prodding – head to the ER across the street. So, this leads then to my CT scan, which came up normal. And this amazing look:


Afterwards, I headed back to the eye specialist in Easton that I was sent to yesterday for a “visual field” test. I entertained/alarmed Kate by wearing an eye patch back out into the waiting area. (And got kicked for my humor!) Tomorrow: MRI in Easton, hopefully in the morning. Kate’s dad seems to think I had a mini-stroke, so we’ll see what the finer imaging turns up. :/


  1. Sonya

    wow, bud…

    hang in there, and i hope you find some answers very soon!
    keep me updated