Tag Archives: lauren

Encouraging Exploration

Lauren had an idea the other evening.

Following the rush of activity that was the TLT Symposium this year, we met up for a drink with other equally exhausted-but-happy coworkers.  She ran this idea past me as she handed me a vodka tonic (always the best way to ply me) and I loved what I heard.  Basically, the concept was to share inspiring content – the sort of thing we each naturally gravitate towards while browsing between tasks – in a way that also connected the physical space we all work in to the online world.


What we came up with Snewokolis.  The site (a WordPress-based installation) is the home of what we termed the Snewoks, creatures of pure inspiration, creativity and curiosity who will curate the content.  Each posting or “Wok” highlights something that the human behind the avatar has deemed worth sharing.

Where this gets fun is in the sharing, though.  The posts will be tied to QR codes and one of each code will be printed out and hidden somewhere in the ETS areas of Rider Building.  The preference is for the code to be stashed somewhere that either adds meaning to the media artifact it links to or vice versa.

TrillAn example of how this could work is found in my avatar’s first posting.  My Snewok, Trill posted a music video that explores the concept of the creatures of inspiration that live in each of us (an apropos first posting, to be sure).  I stashed it around the side of an information kiosk that displays the latest news about projects in our unit and from other departments and institutions.  A bit of a play on the creativity coming from within to be put on display and also a link to the video nature of the object to be found.

We wanted to make it really easy to take part in this activity, too so we took active steps to ease the migration to the Snewok’s home.  Lauren put together a default avatar, Fedault as well as a PSD file with other options for his appearance, should anyone want to customize him.  We also opted to do basic QR codes on nothing more than regular office paper held up with tape because we want to make it simple to quickly share posts and to ensure that they are a non-permanent, ever-changing part of the office.  We also assembled a Migrate page of the Snewokolis site to get everyone up to speed quickly.

Lauren’s hope and my own is for this to grow legs really quickly and to be adopted by others in the building.  The more unique viewpoints that can shape the course this art project/game takes, the better as I’m sure there are lots of directions Snewokolis could be taken that we hadn’t even the remotest inkling of.

Visualizing Impact

My team is a big fan of infographics, and who can blame us?  They make just about any topic more understandable and also serve as great expression of graphic design chops. Plus, they are just fun to look at. So we thought it might not be a terrible idea to turn one of our staid, numbers-heavy event wrap up reports into an infographic of our very own. The recent Spring 2012 Forum at Berks seemed like the prime candidate and – with the help of both Lauren and Carla – I turned this around in a little over a day of planning and tinkering in Illustrator and Photoshop:


I think there’s the potential for this to expand to cover even more Media Commons events as well as our semester reports and wrap ups.